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“Change your thoughts and you can change the world.” – Norman Vincent Peale

Finding the belief in one’s self to take chances outside our comfort zone in a time of uncertainty, is when I am inspired to pause and lead forward. It is an exciting time; the beginning of a new chapter within the commercial design and furniture industry and the beginning of my next chapter as well.

Over the years we have heard our industry partners communicate that the furniture procurement process requires a refresh. Evolution creates a demand for change, yielding new opportunities while adopting new trends in technology and communication.  As everything is progressing around us, we are listening and Meraki is the result.  We are a driving force for positive change. Education and experience are just a few defining qualities within an age-old process that makes us different.

To create change, we had to adjust our thoughts on how we viewed the process and focus on the things which matter most. Being proactive rather than reactive, we encourage early engagement which allows ample time to establish a synergized team and create building blocks for a solid foundation for success. Our programs are specific to the organization and focus on how the furniture procurement process interacts with design, real estate and procurement. Combining capital improvement initiatives and daily CRE teams spend, we strive to help our clients produce positive bottom-line results. We increase savings, personnel efficiencies and create effective servicing plans with our industry partners.

It is remarkable to think our work is just beginning.  For decades we have built spaces which brought people together for impactful moments in time.  These moments helped to define our behavior, brand, culture and/or identity. We have learned from each other and from working together.  Now is the time to take our lessons-learned and move forward to the next chapter, while driving change on a process that benefits everyone sitting at the table. 

I am dedicating my energy to building this brand and company because it is a connection to everything in my life.  People build brands, process, companies and communities. It does make an impact on process. This model helps to support our clients and colleagues and we hope it will leave a lasting footprint on those we engage with.

Meraki is one of the most thought stimulating, positive words.  It means to do something “with all of yourself (soul), passion, creativity, or love.  To leave a piece of yourself in your work.”  With focus on the holistic connection to all things we do, we simply transferred it to our industry and the furniture lifecycle. Thank you to our friends, family, clients and industry partners for all the knowledge and experience we have received to help create this moment in time.  We are better together. With gratitude and a steady hand dedicated to positive growth- May we all incorporate Meraki in all we do.

-Christa M. Adymy

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